At STKids our main priority is that the children would discover and grow a genuine relationship with God. We want our groups to be places where children don’t just learn about God but can grow their one to one relationship with Him.

STKids meet on Sunday mornings in the church lounge during the 10.45 am Sunday service.
There’s a Family Session on the fourth Sunday of the month, where our young families gather together in the lounge, for worship, challenges, bible stories and prayer.
On the other weeks we have our Kids groups, suitable for children aged 0-11 yrs.
It's a packed morning of specially suited teaching, worship, craft, games ..... and lots of FUN!
SPARKLERS (0-4 yrs)
This group is for babies and toddlers and pre-schoolers. We mainly use play to help children connect with Jesus, alongside bible stories, mark making and colouring.

AMAZINGS (5 - 7yrs)
For children attending school, in Reception and Years 1 and 2.
A creative morning of craft, games and bible stories with time to encounter Jesus, through listening and prayer. We join with the other groups for song time and worship.

We also get to join with the older children for song time and worship. Parents are welcome to stay, to help children settle in.

FANTASTICS (8 -10yrs)
For children in KS2, school years 3-6. In this group we start to dig into the bible stories, using drama, games and study. We raise a challenge for learning scripture and getting to know our way around the bible. Encountering Jesus is a high priority and each week we allow space for the Holy Spirit to minister and draw close to us.
We worship together with the other age groups!
So come and join us any Sunday - you're very welcome!

On the first Sunday of the month we join with the rest of the church family at 10am
for our All Together Service.
You can find our Spring term card here.